i dont feel
seventeen. i really dont.
i'm still acting like a
a shout of praise.
12:07 AM
hulloooo everyone! back in perth and glad to be now. hahaha. although its freezing my butt off. it is CRAZY. do you know HOW MANY LAYERS I WEAR TO SCHOOL? omg. spag, blouse, jumper, blazer, scarf, stockings, socks, skirt. craps. its really cold. :S
hee. went early for OCF yesterday.. was at church and our BSgroup had to lead worship this round. so we all met at 6.30 at church.. so katie led and jeannie and glenna backed up while i played the keys. gosh was i nervous. but God pulled me thru. (: although i felt that it went pretty horribly, i felt good cos i was serving and i havent served in worship min in a long time. and oh yeah!! me and jeannie are gonna start discipleship lessons with glenna soon. :D how exciting.. i realise i do miss my perth friends HEAPS!
i've been watching er zhuo ju for ages and i finally finished it! WOOHOOO~ the wedding was SO CUTE! hahahha. :P and zhi shu is so cute tooooo. (: ahhh. i wish my life was just like those in the taiwanese dromcoms. it'll be so sweet! ( i just love to dream dont i?? )
church tmr. ahh. the weekend is almost over. time to face another week of school. (: ooh. boarder's ball this friday, craps means no OCF.. haiya. how awful. AHH. its combined cell this weekend too.. whattt.
actually come to think of it.. i dont really want this term to end.
a shout of praise.
11:15 PM
ah. back.
okay this shall be my last. i think i've got at least 5 entries down already and i really think i need to go to the toilet before going up on the plane.
okayokay. dont forget to start from the most bottomest one. :D
take care everyone!
i'l be
BACK (in oct!)*da da da da daaaaa* <--- evil music from that show. YOU KNOW. (hahaha. favourite line of delilah [is that how you spell her name?] from the musical. :D red apple route. and btw, no i really dont know which movie it is. hhahaha. i forgot)
a shout of praise.
8:02 AM
okay. so i'm back. hah. ooh. my stomach's feeling really weird now. dont know what's wrong. hey i wonder if there's free wireless internet access here. MEI TERDTOONTAVEDEJ! how on earth did you use msn here! (oh right its not like you can reply me. hahaha. you're back in perth. LOL) hmm. maybe i could get rachel to lodge a complaint again. hahahahha. nah. doubt they'll let.)
wahhhhh. i havent finished watching it started with a kiss.. OR the 9 oclock show (and to add i missed it ytd though i thought it was worth it cos the MG musical was simply smashing.)
hmm. wonder if its boarding time yet. i think i still have 15 minutes..
i NEED some sleep!!
i feel like eating tau huey again. i knew i shouldnt have eaten it last night.
i feel like eating hainanese chicken rice. (ahh the stall at far east! haha. we still havent eaten at the right stall cos its always so crowded and we have to rush for cell!)
i feel like eating bo luo bao from crystal jade.
and their chicken and mushroom porridge with their chilli sauce.
i feel like eating hokkien mee.
i feel like eating at yoshinoya (their garlic rice! minty its all your fault now. haha.)
i feel like eating yong tau foo (mr yong tau foo.. how do you do.. no more physics for you... hahahah! rmb rmb rmb!!! your yong tau foo song kaye!! oh gosh.. those good old study group days :D )
i feel like eating char kway teow.. (AHAHA. OMG! rmb the day where we (SARAH CLAIRE KAYE! this means YOU!) all went on the food trail thing end of last year?! hahaha we PRAYED for the tau gay from our char kway teow which dropped on the table cos we couldnt eat it. hahahah.. we were SO high.. hahaha.
hmmm. shall stop thinking of all the wonderful glorious food..
my face is feeling rather itchy.
OOH. i have to go again. WHY OH WHY does this thing have a time limit!!
a shout of praise.
7:49 AM
so i realise i have nothing better to do but blog. since everyone from sg is in school having assembly right now, while everyone in perth is probably still sleeping so i dont really have anyone to talk to plus i left cloudstreet in the check in luggage. heh. so i'll just make use of time to blog! (and all i can before i get back to perth cos i wont get any more blogging/ranting sessions since the crap internet at school forbids me to do anything at all.)
ahhh. which reminds me of the wonderful week where everything in school went rather haywire and the internet allowed us to go on msn. whoohoo. that was an awesome week i tell you :D
i remember when i first left. haha. was reading all my friendster testis from back then.. hahaha. i thought joel's was the funniest. LOL. how awful can he beee!!?! he said something like joining in the occasion and saying kristi's leaving. how sad. crap you! ahaha.
ahh. i'm feeling really nostalgic now. and crap times running out again! i'll be back.
a shout of praise.
7:42 AM
at the airport now.. kinda crap cos i dont have any sg currency left so i cant do anything here. got a regular green tea for 2 bucks at macs (its friking 2.20 at the airport. can you believe it. the green tea price is inflated by 20 cents how crap can crap get? thank God for the nice uncle at maccas who treated me to the extra 20 cents. how kind of him) so i'm using the internet to while the amazing amount of time away. and i'm really sleepy to add. (i dont know WHY i have to wake up so early when i sat around at home doing nothing for at least half an hour when i COULD be having some beauty sleep..) i'm feeling really grumpy.
argh. back to another term. at least its down another week. so i'll only theoratically have 9 more weeks of school before getting my 2 weeks break again. argh. really hate this feeling of having to leave. i think the next round i should just stay at home cos meeting up with friends just make me long to stay in sg more. bleaghh.
anyway. so its back to another term of 10 mpbs restricted network shared by 100+ hungry, malnourished boarders. wahaha. oh well. at least there's melbourne to look forward to. i cant wait to meet up with everyone!! :D how exciting.. 25-28 aug.
oh crap there's lke 6 and a half minutes left. better write fast.
OH YES! went for the full dress for the mg musical ytd. OMG. its really really good!!! it'll leave you wanting for MORE. i'm serious. haha. it'll be really good if you go for 2 nights to get the full experience. its AWESOME. beyond secondary school expectations. OMG. its a MUST WATCH!! i'm really proud of you MG!! :D (and i'm proud to be an mg girl at that. why oh why couldnt they have this musical last year!!)
alright. its like 3 and a half mins left. i should wrap this up.
(not like you're gonna see this anyway. but oh well)
okayokay. i'm going. lousy crap internet. hmph
a shout of praise.
7:21 AM
for friendships made and pleasures shared...was MG's 119th birthday today, and also the celebration of the graduating class of 2005.. was a memorable experience, and i must say its one of the most exciting founder's day ceremonies i've been to (mainly because it had alot to do with us). it was real fun catching up with everyone again, although alot of people (esp the melb people cept yinling!! :D) werent there. i really miss mg :(
guess what. i forgot to take photos. how crap can i get.
and as of 12 midnight, KAYE LEE is 17! :D
happy birthday my dear friend
a shout of praise.
10:23 PM
i had the previlege to sing with the loveMG band today at MG for combined chapel and i stayed on after to watch the whole line up of performances and it reminded me so much of how mg had played such a big part in my life, and the dedication to bring us up as godly women of christ with a heart of love so that we can MASTER, GROW AND SERVE (: its the school which cultivated me and gave me a big loving family to grow in, and truthfully, i cannot imagine myself being in another school. i know i did make several mistakes, both huge and tiny, which altered the course of my life pretty much. like say for that large incident in primary 3 which i think only nicole and yuhan and my parents remember. or to all the silly disputes i've had with once close friends. even when i didnt work hard to get into the class which i expected myself to get into.. sigh. but all in all, i've had a pretty fufilling ten years in mg. and i must say i'm pretty proud of it. (:
ahh. what a time to be sentimental. but after tmr, there's sure to be more. its FOUNDERS DAY man.
and hooboy, the primary school cheerleaders are HOT (and they are really really good - esp for primary school kids.)
a shout of praise.
11:07 PM
我一直以为做夫妻的一定要很幸福,但是一看到我父母一直这样,我真的真的很难过。他们每次都一直吵一直吵... 哇真受不了!我觉得夫妻一定要恩爱的吗, 一定要互相体谅, 一起度过难关, 我的两父母怎么会这样!! 一个那么霸道,另一个就默默忍受知道爆发。这样婚姻是不会成功吗! 受不了了啦!
hehhheh. chinese is good eh! no one can understand me now. unless they have the chinese programme in the computer then its kinda wasted.. LOL. this is awesome. anyway! had rehearsal today at mg for monday's combined chapel thingy for mg week, and haha. we took so long just practicing
take it all that i'm pretty sick of the song now. haha. but its quite a cool song (: i just need to learn to get the lyrics right. hahhaa.
searching the world, the lost will be found
in freedom we live as one we cry out
You carried the cross, You died and rose again
my God, I’ll only ever give my all
You sent Your Son, from heaven to earth
You delivered us all, it’s eternally heard
I searched for truth and all I found was You
My God, I’ll only ever give my allJesus we’re living for Your Name
we’ll never be ashamed of You
our praise and all we are today
take take take it all
take take take it allrunning to the One who heals the blind
following the shining light
In Your hands the power to save the world, my life有很多事憋在我心里。真的想跟一个人分忧可是又不知道能跟谁讲。嘿。
a shout of praise.
8:06 PM
嗨呦。你又发生了什么事嘛。每次都跟她吵架。 你们两个都那么固执,都不要互相让步。 嗨,总之,希望你没事。不要太伤心难过了好吗? 还有我要跟你讲的是, 你在我心里还是我最要好的朋友。懂不懂? 那时只是不想我们靠的太近不然会被别人误会的啦! 那个。。 就希望你的心情快点好起来吧!祝你快乐, 永远。
a shout of praise.
1:25 PM
i think i should
stop reading other people's blogs.
its detrimental to my mental health.
a shout of praise.
10:33 AM
Wednesday, July 19, 2006:
dont you just think that paul twohill looks so much like patrick douglas?
and i think he has the best voice in the whole of Singapore Idol :D
click here to go to his blog >>
a shout of praise.
8:48 PM
crapppppp. i came to my mom's office today in hopes of being able to finish watching er zhuo ju zhi lian on youtube since the internet at home is too cranky, but who knew that the internet here seems to be having the same illness? crap. episode 8 was almost loaded and then the browser had to close.. WHERE IS THE LOGIC? i'm DYING from being kept in suspense... even the internet at home is faster. gahhhhh. this is equivalent to a slow and painful death. i NEED TO WATCH THAT SHOW. and i dont really want to pay for it cos its a whopping 34.90 at the shops and i can pay for this bag i saw at marina sq. which was almost the same price and i think it would be more worth it than the dvd set. BAHHHH.
oh well. so i just decided to blog my frustrations away and hopefully waste time so that the show will load and i can watch it in peace, but truthfully? i dont think its working. ghahhh! i wish i was rich sometimes. then i can buy ALOT of things.. hehheh. but then again, material wealth isnt everything. but its nice to dream isnt it? mints and i were at marina sq. on sat and we were wishing we'd become rich taitais, and then we could buy all the stuff we saw. HAHAHAHA. its so nice to dream. (:
okayokay. so this would be my list of like, stuff i would buy..
[x] THAT beeeeyoutifoool bag which has my name all over it from Marina Sq
[x] er zhuo ju zhi lian (it started with a kiss) CD set
[x] wo de lao po 18 shui (my 18 year old wife) CD set
[x] a dress for the boarder's ball
[x] a new pair of funky specs - i really want the thick frame this round!!! hmm. something like jenna nolan's. BLACK AND PINK :D maybe green instead.
[x] a pair of wedge heels thats like NOT too high. lifeng's looked really nice on sunday
[x] lin jun jie's album! chao cao i think.
[x] watch movies
[x] a trench coat, you know, like the big ones that detectives wear, just more feminine and in black (:
[x] a plane ticket to melbourne so i can visit everyone there (:
[x] a shopping trip to bangkok to get all those pretty trinklets and like cheap tops
[x] a trip to the dermatologist
[x] continue with my Ty soft toy collection
[x] HEHhhh. all the cadbury milk chocolate there is
okay so maybe i shouldnt have the last one up there but i love love love love milk chocolate :D ah wells. what a pretty dream..
a shout of praise.
1:27 PM
argh i'm heaps bored at home... today's like the first day this week that there's nothing for me to do, nowhere for me to go. crap. this sucks. but i should be studying anyways. just dont feel like it and i've lost the motivation. i'm gonna be doing some hardcore playing this hols and then get back down to some serious work when i get back. mocks are in 10 weeks!! darn.. havent started preparing yet. and i've got lots of tests waiting for me when i get back. blehh. not funny at all.
but anyways. (: i got pics off dee!

thats me and dee at the aquinas social
its my favouriteee! (: (: (: (: thanks dee for always making my day be it in calc, applic, econs or chem. (: you're my faveee math buddy! (: and OHHH! thanks for always sharing your lunches with me toooo! (; I LOVE YOU HEAAAPPPS!
a shout of praise.
1:20 PM
sometimes i dont know what the point is.
sometimes i just wish i know.
sometimes things are so unfocussed.
sometimes i just make things more difficult for myself.
i need to be patient.
a shout of praise.
10:15 PM
so after going to my grandma's house on sunday, i ended up at jon woo's house with james prash and ben tan, reddy for a 3hour soccer match, which, might i add, didnt make sense to me, since the ball was just rolling around the field and people were cheering and thats all i understood from the game, and even jon woo's mum knew more about soccer than i did. but my prediction of the score was spot on. (: felt quite proud of myself.. the ultimate comment i made on the game was about the grass though. haha. it looked so perfect.. just strips of green. (: awesome. jon woo's mum said it was just cut in different directions so the grass just looked a different shade of green. was pretty cool.. even the wimbledon grass couldnt match up to it. i must admit, watching sport is kinda thrilling.. the anticipation of who will win, the jubilee when someone scores a goal, the satisfaction that your bet was right.. i thought the best part was when that guy with the awful hair got a haircut at the end. (: good on him.
and the best news of all... I GOT MY BRACES OFF TODAY!! :D whoopie doops. my dentist almost told me to wear my bands for another term before coming back again to remove them and i practically screamed at her. haha. of course i didnt. so glad to get them off. (: getting my expensive retainers next week.. with all these money spent on my teeth, i reckon they might as well be gold plated. but i guess it was all worth it. (: my teeth are STRAIGHT now. :D finally.
caught up with zhen over dinner today.. i'm so happy we get the chance to talk.. (: so many things have happened to us over the past 10 weeks since we last met and yeah. i'm really glad for such a great friend like her (: its been 5 years zhen! i knew you for that long! and i'm so thankful that God has blessed me with you! haha. you know what! we forgot to take a photo today!
anyways. i better sleep soon! have to wake up at 0615 hours :\
a shout of praise.
11:46 PM
oh what joy to be blogging again.. i'm not really in the mood though. i'm heaps sleepy. :S just came back on friday, and went for cell.. then went out with the study group yesterday - or rather what was left of the study group. mike left for melb alreddy, dean went fishing, james was sick, so it was just kaye, clem, bim, me. wonderful. hahha. and sam had to leave early too since she had church.
life has been good more or less. latin dance got so much better. ( i dont feel that weird among those aussies alrdy, maybe it just took sometime getting used to..) andrea's surprise birthday party was REALLY SURPRISING (and loads of fun too) haha. the aquinas social was okay... it was a great time to hang out, with andrea espesh. haha. we both just sat down and watched everyone dance. WAHAHA. we are such squids.
wellll... so its 2 and a half weeks in sg guys! i'm leaving on the 27th i think.. morning flight! SO KAYE! i get to spend your birthday with you! hopefully. (: i'm MISSING 3 whole days of school. WAHAHAHHA.
so many things to do this hols. the stmarys-hale band is here.. so i get to hang with tashy and nat this hols. and then so many scandalous stuffs been happening ;) ahaha. interestingggg. (the way kita says it!! :D )
orrrighty (: going to grandma's in about like 10 mins. so yuppsie. peace out.
a shout of praise.
4:16 PM